Towering FriendShip is a fun puzzle co-op game with two gamemodes! You can also play alone.

Story mode, where you have to beat 8 levels to win and Challenge mode where you can try reach for a highscore with random objects. You can also try to compete against your friend in the challenge mode in a similar way to Jenga, where you'll take turns and if the tower falls on your turn, you lose. Unlimited ways to play!


Player 1  Movement: WASD / Rotate: QE / Place objects: Space 

Player 2 Movement: Arrow keys / Rotate: NM / Place objects: Enter 

Restart: R 

Coding: Vertti 

Music and audio: Julle 

Visuals: Vertti and Julle

Level 8: Kalu

Challenge mode highscore: 62

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